Interview Alert: Emirates Cabin Crew Recruitment
Kuala Lumpur- 4 April 2015 - 9am Renaissance Kuala Lumpur Hotel, Corner of Jalan Sultan Ismail and Jalan Ampang, Kuala Lumpur, 50450,...
推荐理由:2015年最高逼格蜜月地! 这里有马尔代夫一般的水上屋,一海岛一酒店绝对的私密度假。有世界上最容易和鲸鲨共游的海域,每天都能看见鲸鲨。有最原始的珊瑚保护区,走入10米不到的海里就可以看到成片的热带鱼……而且交通方便,甚至一个3天的小假期就可以前往。...
#workandtravel via Cruise Line
I know this may sound like something really new, and for most people, this may sound too good to be true.. Travel around the world and...
Interview Alert: Administrative Assistant/Entertainment/Publisher/Youth Department/Finance for Cruis
Great News! We are currently hiring new position for international brand cruise ship. Advance your career to another level & get the...
Interview Alert: Flair Bartender for Cruise Line
FOR MALAYSIAN ONLY: Calling for all Flair Bartender! International branded cruise liner need you! If you have the skill, we invite you to...
Interview Alert: Qatar Airways Cabin Crew Walk in Interview
Join Qatar Airways' multinational Cabin Crew Team and enjoy a tax-free remuneration package including accommodation, allowances and...
Interview Alert: Cruise Jobs Interview
Year 2015 is starting strong with Job Opportunities on the Sea as 3 of our biggest Cruise Line Companies are readily recruiting...
Interview Alert: Emirates Cabin Crew Recruitment - KL
Emirates Cabin Crew Recruitment Event in Kuala Lumpur If you are an aspiring young blood who dream of flying high up in the sky as your...
Interview Alert: Maswings Cabin Crew Recruitment
MASwings Sdn Bhd, is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Malaysia Airlines and is a community airline serving Sabah, Sarawak and BIMP EAGA...
10 Most Attractive Airlines Stewardess
The profession of a flight attendant is challenging and demanding, but at the same time it’s glamorous one too. No doubt, flight...